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How to Treat a Fever: Easily Treat Fever Naturally at Home

What is a Fever
Reduce Fever Naturally at Home
Home Remedies to Cure Fever
Fever In Kids
FaQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is a Fever

A fever is your body's normal response to infection. It helps you get better. The formal definition of a fever is a temperature greater than or equal to 100.4 °F or 38 °C.
In This Article, You Will Learn How to Treat a Fever. Stay Tuned...

How to Treat a Fever

Reduce Fever Naturally at Home

When the body's temperature is higher than the normal range, it is called a fever. 

Although we commonly hear that 98.6 °F or 37 °C, is considered normal, this is not a set number that applies universally to all. Normal body temperature is different for children than adults and also can vary among individuals. A fever is a good thing & usually will go away within a few days. But if a fever is making you uncomfortable, you can try some simple, effective and easy home remedies to cool the body down and make you feel better. However, if your fever exceeds 104 °F or 40 °C, it can become very dangerous. During such a situation, you must quickly see a doctor.

Cold Compress
This is perhaps one of the most common ways to bring down a soaring fever. A cold water compress, when placed on hot skin burning with fever, can help cool down the skin and regulate body temperature. Soak the cloth in cold water. Apply the cold compress to your forehead. When the compress warms up, soak the cloth in ice-cold water again. Repeat the process for about 15 minutes to bring the fever down a couple of notches.

Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil can be used to reduce fever. The cooling effect produced by the menthol present in peppermint oil can help lower the fever. Take Peppermint essential oil and Olive oil. Combine peppermint and olive oil. Apply the oil blend on your feet and back of the neck. You can cover your feet by putting on socks. Repeat as needed to bring down your fever.

Egg Whites
Egg whites have been successfully used to reduce fever for a long time. Egg whites absorb the body heat through the sweat glands present on the soles of the feet. Take Eggs and Brush. Crack 2 eggs and drain their whites into a bowl. Apply the whisked egg whites to the soles of your feet with a brush. You may then wear socks to cover your feet. When the whites become dry or warm, reapply the egg white coating on the soles. Continue this until the fever comes down to an extra comfort level.

White Vinegar
White vinegar is another home remedy that has proven capable to reduce a high fever to a comfortable level. Pour 1 cup of water into a bowl. Add 1 - 2 tablespoons of white vinegar to it and mix thoroughly. Immerse the socks in the vinegar solution, soaking them completely. Wring out the excess dripping mixture. Pull the vinegar-soaked socks onto your feet and up to your calves to draw out a high fever. Replace the socks after 45 minutes if the fever doesn't come down. Repeat the treatment as required until you bring down your fever.

Onions may be stinky, but they seem to be a winner when it comes to curing a fever. Cut an onion in half and place one half on the soles of each of your feet. The cut side of the onion should be touching the skin. Wear socks to hold the onion in place. Keep the onion in place for 2 to 3 hours or overnight. Repeat the remedy until you bring down your fever to a safe level.

The warm nature of garlic can also decrease a high fever by promoting sweating. This also helps eliminate harmful toxins from the body and speed up recovery. Finely mince one garlic clove and add it to one cup of hot water. Steep for 10 minutes, strain & sip it slowly. Drink this twice a day & you will feel much better the next day.

Turmeric has also been proven to be an outstanding home remedy for a fever. Turmeric consists of a compound whose scientific name is “curcumin” which is known for treating fever in the most natural way possible. This helps the immune system, fight all kinds of infection. It will also help prevent complications and reduce the duration of the fever. Mix one-half teaspoon of turmeric and one-fourth teaspoon of black pepper powder in one cup of hot milk. Drink this mixture twice a day to get rid of fever symptoms.

The therapeutic and cooling properties of sandalwood can help bring down fever & inflammation. Sandalwood will help cool and calm the entire body & mind. Mix one-half teaspoon of sandalwood powder and a little water to make a thick paste. Apply a thick coat of this paste on the forehead. Repeat several times a day until you gain relief.

Raisins help the body fight infections and reduce fevers. They are loaded with phenolic phytonutrients, which are known to have antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Soak 25 raisins in one-half cup of water for one hour, or until the raisins become soft. Crush the soaked raisins in the water and strain the liquid. Combine the juice of half a lime to this solution. Have this twice a day until your fever is left.

Basil is a powerful herb for bringing down a fever. Basil is just as effective as many types of antibiotics in the market. Its healing properties will help reduce fever very quickly. Boil together 20 basil leaves and one teaspoon of crushed ginger in one cup water, until the solution gets reduced to half. Add a little honey and drink this tea two or three times a day for three days.

Mint Leaves
The cooling property of mint will help keep the internal system cool & this, in turn, will reduce body temperature. It can also help extract excess heat from the body. Mint leaves have natural antibiotic properties that help in killing the bacteria that cause fever and infections. Add one tablespoon of crushed mint leaves to one cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for 10 minutes, strain & then add some honey. Drink this soothing tea 3 - 4 times daily for a quick recovery.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy for a fever. The Apple Cider Vinegar is acidic and it helps to eliminate the temperature from your body which further relieves you from the drowsy feeling of fever. Apple cider vinegar lowers the body temperature by increasing blood flow and boosting the immune system. Pour 1 cup of water into a bowl. Pour in a cup of apple cider vinegar. Mix the liquids thoroughly. Dunk the socks into the apple cider vinegar solution. Take them out and squeeze them to remove dripping moisture. Put on the apple cider vinegar-soaked socks, covering your feet up to the calves to lower high body temperature. Repeat as often as needed until the fever has reduced.

Raw potato slices can be applied to the bottom of the feet to reduce a fever. Take Raw potato slices and White vinegar. Soak potato slices in vinegar. Apply vinegar-soaked potatoes to your forehead to bring down a high fever. You can cover the potato slices on your forehead with a clean cloth for better results. Repeat as needed until you recover completely. Fever is not so dangerous, it can occur when your body is fighting an infection, such as the flu, or due to excess accumulation of toxins. So apply these home remedies as per said direction to get rid of fever.
If these home remedies also don't work and your temperatures continue to soar, it is better to consult a doctor or a physician at the earliest.

Home Remedies to Cure Fever 

The feeling of drowsiness is just another unwanted feeling that comes along with fever. While antibiotics give you quick relief, there are multiple side effects associated with consuming strong antibiotics. Ignoring high fever is probably the last thing you should do to your body. Antibiotics are fairly new, earlier in medieval times, people used to cure their high fever with natural herbs and home remedies.

How to treat a fever

Trust me, some of these remedies are as effective as antibiotic medicine is. The best part is home remedies are easy to follow and they don’t come with side effects. All you need for these easy peasy home remedies consume stuff that is readily available on your kitchen counter.

Avoid Taking Cold Showers
Instead of standing beneath the cold running water coming out of a shower, make a hot bath and help yourself. The hot water doesn’t only help you release sweaty-fever like smell off your body but also helps you give a head start by making you feel all fresh and warm. The cold water, on the other hand, might make your body shiver during the shower.

Stay Hydrated
When we read stay hydrated, we often think about drinking loads of water. However, you can also choose to drink things other than water such as a hot tomato or vegetable soup. Your body feels weak during high fever and the veggies in the soup will help your body be rich in nutrients while giving your throat the warmth it needs during a cold.

Ginger is that one ingredient that works the best when your body has temperature because of cold. Ginger also helps in bringing down the temperature of your body and make you feel better instantly. Mix about 3/4th of juice from ginger in water along with 1 Tablespoon lemon juice and 1 Tablespoon honey in it. Consume this liquid twice a day to feel the difference.

The Cold Water Treatment
While it is not recommended to take cold showers when you are struggling with high fever, the squeezed out cold water cloth can reduce the intensity of high fever. All you need to do is take a cotton cloth and run it through some cold water. Next, squeeze out the excess water out of it and put it on your forehead to extract all the temperature.

Sandalwood Paste
This home remedy has been very popular and effective in the past. Don’t worry; you won’t have to go through extreme hustles to get this done. All you need is some sandalwood powder to which you need to add some water to make a fine paste out of it. Next, apply the paste finely on your forehead to extract the temperature. You can do this 2-3 times a day.

Pineapple is anti-inflammatory which when consumed extracts inflammation off your body. During high fever, your body might feel dehydrated and weak. To give back your body all the rejuvenation it needs, cut some slices of fresh and washed pineapples and consume it directly 2-3 times in a day to start seeing a difference in your fever.

Your immunity system has a big role to play when you are combating with fever and temperature. To add probiotics to your diet, add some Miso soup to your diet and drink it at least once in a day. Your immunity system will thank you for this!

These were some of the most effective home remedies to combat with a high fever. Most importantly, you need to take proper rest when you are struggling with a high fever. Take a day off if you need to give it back to your body.

Fever In Kids

Fever in kids can cause lots of worries. Today I will help you learn how to manage your child's fever at home and when you should call the doctor. Remember that we're talking about healthy children older than three months. For children younger than three months and children of any age who have health problems that make the infection more likely, a fever can be a sign of a more serious infection. Always call your doctor for advice.

Why Fever Makes you Feel Bad

Even though fever makes you feel bad, fever is helping your body get well. Fever is your friend. When a virus or bacteria enters the body, the brain turns the thermostat up.
Higher temperature makes it harder for the germs to multiply. The heart rate goes up, and breathing gets faster and harder. Muscle activity increases, so your child might shiver and feel achy. Their hands & feet may feel cold and they might have a headache. And of course, they'll be tired and cranky. All of these fever symptoms are typical and expected: faster heart rate and breathing, shivering, cold hands and feet, headache and body aches, tired and fussy, and poor appetite. One fear of fever is that it can cause seizures and brain damage. A high temperature will not cause brain damage, and seizures due to fever are very rare. When seizures from fever do occur, they're usually brief and do not cause harm.

Why Do You Get a Fever

Fever is really common in younger kids. They love to put things in their mouth. This is one way they're exposed to more germs. This isn't bad. Getting infections builds your immune system. Two types of germs cause infections -
Viruses and Bacteria - Both can cause fever. Most of the time, it's a virus making your child sick. Your immune system takes care of viruses. Antibiotics don't help. Bacteria are different. They cause infections that may get worse if they're not treated with antibiotics. Example - Urinary tract infections and Strep throat.


Most of the time, you won't even need to check the temperature with a thermometer. You can usually tell that your kid has a fever just by touch. If your child has a fever, dress them in light clothing, put a cool washcloth on their forehead, make sure they rest, and encourage them to take a drink. Fever makes the bodywork harder, so it uses more water. If your child isn't urinating or having a wet diaper at least once every 6 - 8 hours, call your doctor. If your child seems uncomfortable, you can use fever medicines like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. These medicines work by resetting the body's thermostat closer to normal, but they're not necessary. If you use fever medicine, choose just one; don't alternate. And always be sure to give the correct dose. Fever may come back when the medicine wears off and that's fine. Fever will go up and down on its own, whether you provide your child medicine or not. Also, the fever will be higher in the afternoon and at night.

When Should You Call the Doctor

Kids who have a fever will act sick, but a few times during the day, they should be perkier. If you see this, feel reassured. Many parents think that their children's temperature is the main thing to watch and worry about. But it's much more important to focus on the other symptoms, as you decide whether you need to call a doctor. It's time to call your doctor if your child has any of these symptoms:
• Fever lasting longer than 3 days, or seizure
• Redness or Swelling Localized in one area
• Drinking very little or not at all
• Severely decreased Urination
• Extremely Sleepy or Irritable
• Trouble Breathing
• Rashes
• Pain etc.

If you have a feeling that something isn't right, trust your instincts and call your doctor. Remember, if your child has a fever, don't panic, and don't worry too much about the temperature, focus on the symptoms.

FaQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

⇌ How do you bring down a fever?
➤ Follow These Steps
• Use Cold Compresses to make you feel more Comfortable
• Take your temperature and assess your signs
• Stay Hydrated
• Take bed rest
• Keep cool etc.

⇌ What is the natural remedy for fever?
➤ Follow These Steps
• Dress in light clothing, keep the room temperature cool & sleep with only a sheet or light blanket.
• You Must need rest to recover, and activities can raise your body temperature.
• Fever can cause fluid loss and dehydration, so drink water, juices, and broth.

⇌ How long does a fever last?
➤ Fevers due to viruses can last for as little as 2 - 3 days and sometimes as long as 2 weeks. A fever caused by a bacterial infection may continue until the baby is treated with an antibiotic.

⇌ How do you reduce fever in adults?
➤ Do This
• Take acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin to help relieve head and body aches and lower your temperature.
• Take a slightly warm bath or apply damp washcloths to the forehead & wrists.
• Take plenty of rest.

⇌ What drinks help with fever?
➤ Hot drinks help with fever
Other fluids which are good during flu infection
• Ginger and Herbal Tea
• Honey and Lemon Tea
• Juice

⇌ Should you let a fever run its course?
➤ A fever can help your child's body fight off infection. Many illness-causing microbes do best at the body's normal temperature level. Research shows that letting a fever run its course may reduce the length and severity of such illnesses like flu.

⇌ What should u eat when u have a fever?
➤ Eat Some of these when you have a Fever
• Vegetables and Fruits
• Coconut Water
• Chicken Soup
• Greek Yogurt
• Poultry
• Fish etc.

⇌ Why do fevers spike at night?
➤ Body temperature rises naturally in the evening time, so a Fever that was slight during the day can easily spike during sleep.

⇌ What fruits to eat in fever?
➤ Citrus fruits - Lemons, Oranges, and Grapefruits contain high levels of vitamin C. These decrease inflammation and boost immunity, which may help to fight a fever.
• Berries etc.

⇌ How long should a fever last in adults?
➤ The length of the fever can vary significantly. in some cases, it can last a few hours, while in other circumstances it can be drawn out over many days.

⇌ Is ibuprofen good for fever?
➤ Ibuprofen is Good for Fever
Some other which is good and Safe for reducing Fever
• Naproxen
• Acetaminophen
• Aspirin etc.

⇌ Can a fever kill you?
➤ If the Body temperatures rise to 108 °F / 42.22 °C or more, which can result in convulsions and death.

⇌ Which juice is best during fever?
➤ Immunity Boosting Juice
• Watermelon
• Strawberry
• Grapefruit
• Tomato
• Orange
• Mango
• Ginger
• Carrot
• Celery
• Apple
• Beet

⇌ What is a dangerous fever?
➤ Dangerous temperatures are High-grade fevers that range from 104 °F - 107 °F / 40 °C - 41.667 °C or Higher.
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Jugat Singh Lakha `Z
"An Innocent, Stubborn Boy Who Doesn't Like this Selfish World and Wants to Create a Different World of His Dreams. Also An 'Independent Indian' and A 'Freelance Worker'."

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