Mental Health Awareness Guide
If you've ever been concerned about a family member or friend's mental health, you may have wondered about the best way to provide support. Taking action makes all the difference."Social connectedness is a huge factor, If you talk to people that have experienced suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide and gotten through it, social support is something they point to as one of the big factors that get them through. Very often it can be just small moments, small gestures; 'so-and-so reached out to me, I thought I was in a dark hole by myself and just her reaching out to me made all the difference.'"
Everyone has mental health, so anyone can have a mental health condition. As someone who's experienced suicidal thoughts and has gotten help, she now advocates for others.
What To Watch:-
There are different ways clinicians and researchers try to assess the risk of suicide. Very few people luckily actually attempt suicide, so the risk factors that are out there, even if someone has these risk factors, there’s still a low chance they’ll commit suicide, but still, there are some that are important.Obviously if they’re experiencing depression, if they have a history of attempting suicide, if they’ve had people in their lives that have attempted or committed suicide, if they’re using drugs or alcohol at a higher risk than they normally do, if they are prone to impulsive behavior, and experiencing any recent loss or disappointment, all of these combined in any sort of combination can be an indicator that someone might be at risk.
Other factors could be withdrawal or saying statements like “I feel worthless,” or making statements like they don’t see a future for themselves. Listening to the words they use can be very helpful as well.
~ In general, if somebody is distancing themselves or they seem not like their usual self go ahead and have those kinds of conversations: hey, how are you doing? Is there something that’s bothering you, how can I help?
Everybody is susceptible to having mental health. Everybody has mental health, so anybody can have a mental health condition. There are definitely people that are the spirit of the room, always laughing and cracking jokes- but they can be going through a crisis themselves.
Starting A Conversation:-
Oftentimes if you’re feeling concerned about a family member or a friend, you’ve seen something or heard something that’s different from the way they usually are and you’re worried about their safety if you’re worried about depression or suicide. The best thing to do if possible is to actually refer to something concrete. Say something like- last week I saw you say, my life is useless. Using that concrete thing to refer to is really helpful and shows them you’re paying attention and prevents them from saying, “it’s nothing at all.” And then you can say your concerns about that. “I heard you say your life is useless- I wonder if you’re thinking about hurting yourself, or killing yourself.”One of the most important things to make known publicly: there’s this idea that if I ask somebody about suicide, will that put the idea in their head or make them think, oh I should commit suicide- or make them horrified that I would even bring that up. One of the most important things we can do is be comfortable bringing up the question of suicide. There’s very clear research out there that bringing it up does not at all increase the risk of suicide. In fact, there’s some evidence it’s the opposite. For people thinking about suicide, often they feel ashamed and alone and alienated- like they can’t talk with other people about it. By bringing it up and asking them about suicide, they feel like they have somebody to talk about it.
The most important one is to bring it up with them, in a direct way and in a caring way. One thing I would like to be sure people understand is talking about safety and suicide is very important for friends and loved ones. We want to keep people safe if they’re at risk for suicide. But people who are at risk for suicide, their goal very often is not to stay safe, it’s actually to suffer less. And the research shows clearly that people who are at risk for suicide are trying to stop pain, to escape emotional pain or physical pain- so talking with loved ones about the pain they’re in, validating their suffering and not talking to them in a way that communicates they may be trying to manipulate or get attention, that’s one misconception, when someone is talking about dying, sometimes we think they’re trying to get attention for that. The research doesn’t really support that. Show them that we care and ask if we can help them in any way to reduce the pain.
~ It comes down to intention. You have to be careful about your tone and how you approach it. You don’t just go in front of a big group – hey, are you doing okay? Just make sure it’s in private and you ask them if they’re doing well. Sometimes during family holidays people ask, do you have a partner or how’s school doing and maybe that’s a touchy subject for you at the moment. Just be more careful about the words and tone that you use when asking people how they’re doing.
People are scared either to push too far or be too straightforward about certain topics, like suicide. Some people are told and they believe wrongfully that asking, hey, are you feeling suicidal? That if they weren’t already feeling suicidal, they might go ahead and complete suicide. But it’s quite the opposite. If you ask someone- hey I feel like you’ve been off lately, and you mentioned things like, I don’t find purpose in life anymore- key words that would tell you someone’s thinking about suicide- you want to make sure you ask them. Are you thinking about suicide? And can I help you? Because talking about it takes away that stigma and that barrier of talking about it. Just asking will lead to a more since conversation that will lead to more positive results long term.
If they say yes, there are various ways you can go about it. Somebody may be thinking about suicide, but not actively planning to die by suicide. So you want to ask- do they have a plan? Are they thinking about hurting themselves in the next 24 hours? That’s from the crisis counselor's background. You mostly just want to listen to whatever’s going on, not try to solve the problem because if you’re having suicidal thoughts, chances are one conversation isn’t going to make it go away. Listening, and if you know- say hey, here’s the crisis text line number, or- I’m here for you. How can I be here for you, leaving it open-ended for that person to help.
Create A "Safety, Wellness & Crisis Response Plan":-
They’re used in clinical settings but more and more research shows friends and family members can be helpful in doing a suicide safety plan with people. We’ve actually started thinking about it as a form of mental health first aid. In the same way that you don’t have to be a doctor to do CPR, you don’t have to be a doctor to do first aid for someone feeling suicidal. The term “suicide safety plan” may not be the best term to use, because it sort of implies the person having suicidal thoughts has the goal of being the same. But almost by definition- if they’re feeling suicidal, they’re not focused on being safe. What they’re focused on is stopping the emotional suffering or physical suffering, the pain they’re in. So when you’re making a plan- try a crisis response plan. It’s a list for the person that shows, what are your personal risk factors? What are the things that give you a sign you’re getting to a crisis stage, where the pain is going to be intolerable. The second thing, is what can you do by yourself to lessen the pain you’re in? Three- what can you do to reach out to people for social support? Four, what are the things that have been meaningful to you in the past? Helping the person get in touch with what matters to them in life- pets, children, family, those kinds of things. And finally, emergency resources.These are helpful because often when someone is suicidal- they get blinders on. We aren’t thinking reflexively, we can’t solve problems well, our thinking gets rigid, dark and present-focused. What this does is help them at the moment. They can take a picture of this with their smartphone and when they’re feeling suicidal, and can’t think straight- they pull out their crisis response plans, follow the directions, and it gets them through.
This is for anybody. You don’t have to technically be diagnosed and have a mental health condition- but if you have mental health, chances are a plan will be helpful for you. It will be beneficial to you- and those around you.
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