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Fat Burning Zone vs Cardio Zone


When You Are Doing Cardio, You Want To Achieve Your First Burning Zone

       The myth is given a false air of scientific legitimacy by most in the health and fitness industry. Cardio machines often indicate how much your heart rate should be for 'fat burning versus heart training'. You calculate this magical heart rate by subtracting your age from 200 and multiplying this number by 0.6. If you maintain your heart rate according to this number, then according to the story, you will be in the fat-burning zone. There is a fall of truth here.

        When you exercise you burn both fat and carbohydrates, and the ratio varies with the intensity of exercise. Very low-intensity activity such as walking tap primarily in fat stores, while high-intensity sprints draw too much from carbohydrate stores.

        At about 60% of maximum exertion, your body gets about half of its energy from carbohydrate shops and a half from fat stores (which is why many experts claim that you get 60-80% of your maximum exertion must work in range). Based on the above, you might think that I actually arguing in defense of this myth, but there is much more to consider. The first issue is the total calories burned while exercising. If you run from 100 calories, 85 of which come from fat stores, it is not as effective as the time spent in the middle that burns 400 calories with 200 to fat. And, in turn, spending that time at sprint intervals is not as effective as burning 800 calories with 800 calories coming from fat.

Fat Burning Zone vs Cardio Zone

         A second issue to consider is that studies conducted by Laval University 25, the Baylor College of Medicine, and the University of New South Wales have shown that low fat high-intensity cardio sessions over time compared to low-intensity sessions.

          Research has conjointly shown that high-intensity coaching is additional muscle scotch than low-intensity cardio. Although the exact mechanism of how high-intensity cardio trumps steady-state cardio is not yet fully understood, scientists have isolated some of its factors, 24 hours after exercise. Increase metabolic rate: Improve insulin sensitivity in muscles, High levels of oxidation of muscle fat: Significant spikes in growth hormone levels and catecholamine levels or appetite suppression after exercise. You can apply high-intensity interval training to any type of cardio that you would normally do. You can walk outside and sprint, or you can hop on an elliptical trainer or a reclining bike to complete it. A standard HIIT protocol looks like this:-
• Start your workout with a 2-3 minute low-intensity warm-up.
• 30-60 seconds (if you are new to HIIT, for a 30-second interval, the all-out will go as fast as possible, but you want to work towards being able to do 60-second intervals).
• Slow it down to a low-intensity recovery period for the same duration as your high-intensity interval. If you are new to HIIT, you may need to increase this duration by 1.5–2 times as your high-intensity interval.
• If you are still out of breath and your heart is racing, you are not ready to hit high intensity again.
• Repeat this cycle of complete and recovery intervals for 20-30 minutes.
• Finish with a 2-3 minute cool down at low intensity.

        Try it next time you are planning to lose weight. You will be surprised how much more effective your workouts are.

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Jugat Singh Lakha `Z
"An Innocent, Stubborn Boy Who Doesn't Like this Selfish World and Wants to Create a Different World of His Dreams. Also An 'Independent Indian' and A 'Freelance Worker'."

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