Hemorrhoid Banding
Hemorrhagic Banding, also known as rubber band ligation, it's a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that treats hemorrhoids and helps prevent them from coming back.* Piles are swollen veins in the anus and lower part of the rectum. They can cause discomfort, anal pain and itching and become more common as people get older.
* People with hemorrhoids often treat them at home, but hemorrhoids sometimes do not respond well to home remedies. In these cases, hemorrhagic banding is an effective medical treatment option. However, the process may not be suitable for everyone.
* In this lesson, we examine hemorrhagic banding, who needs it, and what to expect. We also look at the effectiveness of hemorrhagic banding and whether there is an alternative treatment.
* If home remedies do not work, doctors may suggest hemorrhage banding. Many people treat their piles with home remedies such as -
• Sitz Bath
• High Fiber Diet
• Cold Compress
• Over the counter topical treatment
• Oral pain relievers.
* A doctor may also recommend creams or ointments that contain Witch Hazel, Hydrocortisone, or Lidocaine to help reduce pain and itching.
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* Hemorrhoids may not always be the answer to home remedies and remedies. In these cases, they may become increasingly itchy or painful. Sometimes, they may start bleeding. If hemorrhoids are continuous bleeding or painful, then the person may be a suitable candidate for hemorrhoids banding. Hemorrhagic banding is only an option for internal hemorrhoids, not external hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are formed on the lining of the rectum and anus.
* Before the procedure, a person should talk to their doctor about any medication including OTC medicines and supplements. A doctor may advise them which medicines to stop taking lead for the procedure and suggest alternative options.
* A doctor will also provide guidance on what to do before going to the hospital. For example, they would recommend the person avoid food and drink for several hours before the procedure. Finally, a person should talk to their doctor about whether they require general anesthesia.
* A person should plan to accompany someone in the process. It is also helpful to have support in the days immediately following the procedure.
* Hemorrhoid banding is a relatively simple outpatient procedure, which means that the person will usually go home on the same day.
* Hemorrhoid banding usually occurs in the hospital. However, the procedure can sometimes take place in a doctor's office or in another outpatient setting. Typically, a health care professional performs local or topical anesthesia in the rectum. They can use general anesthesia if hemorrhoids are causing significant pain or if multiple banding is required of them.
* Once a person has received appropriate anesthesia, the doctor will insert the coil into the rectum. The coil is a long tube with a light at the end that allows the physician to detect and access the hemorrhoids.
* When bleeding, doctors use a small instrument called a litigator through a coil. They will use piles to tie a rubber band around the base of the piles. Doctors will repeat the procedure for each bleeding they find.
* Usually, the entire process takes only a few minutes, but the exact time will depend on the number of piles present. A person may experience excess gas after hemorrhoid banding.
* After the procedure, the hemorrhoids will begin to dry and then fall off. This may take a few weeks to happen. A person may not even notice passing dry bleeding in their feces.
Side - Effects Of Hemorrhoid Banding: -
• Some people may experience bleeding after the procedure. Although some bleeding is normal, if it is not clear in a day or two, a person should contact their doctor. The doctor may recommend or prescribe a laxative after the procedure to help prevent constipation and gas.• A study in the journal The Studies of the Colon and Rectum found that hemorrhoid banding was successful in about 8 to 10 people.
• However, 10 to 1 people may require surgery to remove their hemorrhoids after hemorrhoid Banding.
Side effects - are not very common with hemorrhagic banding. Some reported side effects include: -
• Urination problems.
• Severe pain that does not react to medications.
• An infection in the anus or surrounding area.
• Recurrent hemorrhoids.
• Rectal bleeding.
If a person experiences any side effects, they should talk to their doctor.
* Surgery is an alternative treatment for hemorrhoids. Piles are one of the preferred nonsurgical solutions for internal hemorrhoids. However, some people do not want to go through this process because it can be painful or uncomfortable.
* A doctor may recommend alternative minimally invasive options or surgical procedures -
• Sclerotherapy: -
An alternative is a sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy is a form of therapy in which a doctor injects a chemical into the hemorrhage that cuts off the bloodstream. This type of treatment often requires multiple visits to the doctor's office, and hemorrhoids may grow back.
• Electrocoagulation: -
Another option is electrocoagulation, in which doctors use heat from an electric current to create scar tissue. A similar process called infrared coagulation uses infrared light instead. In both cases, hemorrhoids often follow the procedure.
• Surgical Removal:-
A final option for hemorrhoids banding is surgical removal of hemorrhoids. Although surgical removal may be effective, it carries a higher risk than other treatments for a person developing complications or other risk factors.
* Hemorrhoids are usually an effective way to relieve internal hemorrhoids. Although the process is often quick, it can be inconvenient for some people, which makes it less attractive than some alternatives.
* However, a person may want to consider hemorrhoids banding as a treatment option for internal hemorrhoids as it is often more effective than some alternative treatments and usually requires just a visit to the hospital.
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