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Meal Frequency - How Many Meals To Eat In A Day


Eat Several Small Meals Per Day To Promote Special And Control Plots

       This myth was the longest diet dogma for the longest time and is still promoted by fitness experts and related magazines. The idea that eating small, often can speed up your metabolism and help you control the kind of appetite makes sense at first. When you eat, your metabolism rate increases as food breaks. So, if you eat every few hours, your metabolism will remain in a consistently elevated state. And nibling on food throughout the day should help reduce appetite. Bodies are not so simple. Like many of the myths that seem to make sense on paper, this one doesn't just pan out in clinical research.

Meal Frequency

Meal Frequency And Metabolism:-

       Each type of essential nutrition requires varying amounts of energy to break down and process. It is the thermic effect of food consumption and promotes metabolism after eating. Magnitude and period of that boost depends on what proportion you eat. A small meal causes a small metabolic spike that does not last very long, while a large meal produces a large spike that lasts a long time. So if the high frequency of small meals per day increases the total energy expenditure over a 24 hour period compared to low, large meals.

        The French National Institutes of Health and Medical Research had the same question and gave a comprehensive review of the literature to answer. Researchers compared thermic effects in eating patterns to study scores, ranging from 1 to 17 meals per day. In terms of 24 hour energy expenditure, they did not find any difference between Nibbling and Goring.

         Small meals cause small, small metabolic boosts, and large meals cause large, prolonged boosts, but by the end of each day, they are balanced in terms of total calories burned. 

         A study by the University of Ontario divided participants into two dietary groups - 3 meals per day versus 3 meals and 3 snacks per day, with both in a calorie restriction for weight loss. After 8 weeks, researchers found no significant difference in average weight loss, fat loss, and muscle loss in 16 individuals. While increasing the frequency of food can make dieting more enjoyable for some, it does not help burn more energy.

Meal Frequency And Appetite:-

       A study conducted by the University of Missouri with 27 overweight man found that after 12 weeks of dieting to lose weight, increasing protein intake improved appetite control, but frequency of meals (Day 3 V/S 6 meal) shad no effect.

       The University of Kansas investigated the effects of food frequency and protein intake on perceived hunger, satiety, and hormonal responses in overweight man.

       According to several other studies, researchers found that high protein intake led to a greater feeling of fullness and that 6 meals actually reduced daily fullness compared to 3 meals. On the other you can find studies in which participants were less satiated at 3 meals per day and found that increasing food frequency increases feelings of fullness, making it easier to stick to their diet. The bottom line is that there are many variables, including psychologists, and clinical evidence suggests that it is conclusively incorrect that eating more or less per day for appetite control would be best for everyone.

How Many Meals Should You Eat:-

       How often you should eat boils for personal preference. As the cliche goes, the best dietary protocol is the one you stick to, and reducing psychological stress makes a big difference in increasing dietary compliance and thus overall effectiveness. I recommend eating more, smaller meals per day. Many people like the feeling of eating every few hours, varying from at least 5 to 6 hours. I prefer a 400 calorie meal that satisfies for a few hours, followed by another small meal with different ingredients and flavors.

       "If a person cannot eat often, we make a meal plan consisting of small, large meals that suits their preferences or lifestyles."  Our hunger patterns are established by our feeding patterns, so it is usually easiest to work around your schedule.

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Jugat Singh Lakha `Z
"An Innocent, Stubborn Boy Who Doesn't Like this Selfish World and Wants to Create a Different World of His Dreams. Also An 'Independent Indian' and A 'Freelance Worker'."

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